Doctors in Bihar operate on man's leg in Bihar to treat hydrocele


IANS    05 September 2019

Doctors at a government-run hospital in Bihar wrongly operated upon the leg of a patient, who was admitted for a treatment of hydrocele - a build-up of fluid inside the scrotum, adding to another case of medical negligence.

Rambhajan Yadav, in his early 50s, was admitted at Gayas Anugrah Narayan Medical College and Hospital two days ago for a hydrocele surgery. But to the astonishment of his family members, the doctors operated upon his leg, saying it was fine.

Bhubaneswar Yadav, Rambhajans son, said that his father was advised surgery for hydrocele, but a team of doctors wrongly operated upon his leg, which they said had few symptoms of filaria. Instead of accepting their mistake, the doctors tried to relate hydrocele to filaria. They also said that operating the leg was necessary to treat hydrocele. Hence, they had to complain to the authorities.

He further said thatthis kind of negligence can only happen in a government-run hospital in Bihar. His fathers case has exposed the real face of government hospitals in Bihar where only the poor people can dare to go for treatment. Rich and middle class people prefer private hospitals for treatment.

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